Thursday, October 06, 2005

Da Da Dum!!!

I'm printing out emails for a work project I'm involved in. This means sitting on the floor of Chris' garage because, um, I don't get a wireless signal at my own desk (oh no, this is a GOOD thing).

He's watching LOTR 75.

I've never actually seen any of the thousands of minutes of these three films and don't intend to start now, but it does have a magnificent movie score.

Da da dum dum da dum!

Okee, here is a mitten. A likely victim of second mitten syndrome -- it's just a wee bit too wrong. It's too tight. It needed a bigger set of needles for the main part -- but hey, the next try will knit up even faster and it was just a few hours of work.

Bookshelves and jars. This is the only room I didn't paint. I have the paint, I just haven't gotten to it yet and I guess it will be spring now before I do.

Matching chairs

dresser in Blues Clues room that, um, yeah, still needs drapes. Hey! I have a year.

Okay, this movie is getting to the point where I shouldn't be watching it any more, so off to punch holes in my emails, stick them in a binder, and go to bed.


Anonymous said...

Did I mention the minion minding fee? Levys must be paid in Salsa.

The Queen said...

'k but you gotta get your own chips, Whole Foods boy.