Thursday, January 26, 2006

Knitting Olympics

There are some very funny buttons being made in honor of the knitting olympics. Here's one:

I've heard there's a swearing-at-lace button, too.

I may end up using this one, but the US looks fuzzy, so I'm still looking

It's a true olympics:

Apparently Minnesota declared independence and nobody noticed. It could happen. (Shout-out to Deb.)

So did the sock people.

Here's Norway. They're a formidable opponent.

A few more

I *love* this one:

and with the translation:

I think I'm going with this one:

and with that important decision made, I'm off to kill some wildebeasts and drag them home for the cubs.


Anonymous said...

Those are funny! Where are you finding them?


The Queen said...

In the comments at Yarn Harlot. People are leaving links.

Donna Boucher said...

I'm so glad you are knitting in the Olympics.

I currently have the "I'll watch you knit" button on my site.

I don't know why I can't find something???
I still have a few days to go....

Enjoy and good luck :o)
