Friday, February 03, 2006

And we sing his praises

My firstborn is also known around the house as Dr. Lunch. He's a guy who likes his noontime meal and I'm often in that weird altered state I get in when working where little interruptions (like feeding my own children) aren't well tolerated. He has my express permission to nag, and he does USE that permission, but just as often he offers to do the bulk of the work if I'll but cut the bread or deal with any needed baking. Today Dr. Lunch made chicken sandwiches. He called his brothers for lunch and they walked up the stairs to the kitchen singing, "Dr. Luuuuunch! Dr. Luuuuunch!"

Say what you will about the way I raise my boys--they'll all know how to cook and they'll all know to sing the praises OF the cook on the occasions when it is not them.


hornblower said...

Yay! Great job on raising your boys. I love these peeks into your life - so inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Well, I am just tickled to know that I am not alone. I can't tell you how many times I've been given the raised eyebrow when people discover that I have not fixed my children breakfast since the oldest turned four; or that they are quite likely to make their own lunch. Their specialties are PBJ, mac&cheese, and Ramen noodles.

I enjoy your blog, and your husband's. I am disappointed when I stop by and there are no new posts! (Yes, I'm working on getting a life of my own.)

Anyway, keep singing the praises of Dr. Lunch. I'm convinced our kids are the better for our *carefully thought out and implemented* plans to develop their self-reliance.