Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This Day Brought to You by God

I can always hear my father's voice with this song:

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Creator, Son, and Holy Ghost.



Some days things do not go my way and some days they do. Today I picked up two reasonably small projects that will fill in some gaps. I have a cold and a sore throat -- but am not flat on my back sick. Jill came over last night and helped me read children's poems and we made GREAT progress.

So life is good. Amen.


Melora said...

I love the Doxology too! We say "Praise Father" instead of "Creator," but either way is lovely.

Just found your blog from a link at Classic Adventures (Dy), and can tell I'm going to enjoy it. The layout is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hey, change of subject... but are you going to be participating in the Knitting Olympics? the Yarn Harlot has me ROLLING over this stuff, and I don't even knit.

The Queen said...

Welcome, Melora! Beautiful name!

Risha, Yes, but I have so much going on that the sweater I picked is really quite simple. The most challenging item I could pick right now is just picking an item and thinking I could finish it in 16 days at all right now.

Dy said...

That is one of my favorites. I just love that we attend a church that uses it regularly. James likes it, too, and he always reaches over to hold my hand while we sing together. I love the title of this entry - it's a good reminder.

Hope your throat feels better soon, and thank *you* for your encouraging words.
