Friday, July 15, 2005

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful



GROOMER: She's all done! (with some surprise) She's got a REALLY pretty face under all that hair!


hornblower said...

She's stunning! She's a model - showing us the latest relaxing at home bandanna!

I love how she looked a little gloomy in the before pictures, and then she's grinning like mad in the after. Fab.

Dy said...

She has gotten HUGE! I kept picturing her as this little curly wisp of a thing. But no! They grow! Wow, she's gorgeous, too!

I literally LOL'd at the surprised look. That is a hilarious shot.


Kristen said...

what a difference a day makes!

oh hey! did i tell you about my friend's new online business? she HAND DYES FABULOUS YARNS and THREADS! they are very pretty and beautiful!

her website is:

i gifted my mom w/a gift cert for her b-day and she got the colorway of tencel in both sizes - it's supposed to be amazing for embroidery. but she's also got the most amazing yarns for knitting. really lovely stuff. she's allergic to wool, so she has lots of alternatives to that.

Anonymous said...

Yep, she's a beauty. She looks so HAPPY too. You must be doin' something right there. :-)
